Montana Antelope | Rifle Antelope Hunts
We use spot and stock techniques for our rifle antelope hunts. You may either sit in a ground blind over a water hole during the afternoon. Success rate on rifle antelope is 100% and as you can see below, we harvest some very nice bucks. Our area does not harbor many record book antelope but you can expect to see lots of quality Antelope bucks in the 14 to 16 inch class
See anywhere from 50 - 500 antelope a day on your Montana Antelope hunt at Redbone Outfitting. You will be hunting in Montana's hunting district 620. Permits in this area are by drawing only, and the drawing odds are not very good for non-residents hunting with a rifle.

Rifles Selection
We recommend a modern bolt action rifle equipped with a top quality scope such as a Zeiss or Leopold's Mark II or III line for your antelope hunt. Shooting ranges can be up to 300 yards and beyond. These antelope hunts can be very demanding and good physical condition will be in your best interest . Antelope hunting requires plenty of walking to pull off a successful stalk on a mature buck.
Remember that battery powered sights are not legal in Montana for big game

Long Range Hunters & Shooters
This is a great hunt for long range hunting equipment. Your guides are experienced long range shooters and have the proper equipment to coach and spot for you on a long range shot. We are your pronghorn outfitters!! The antelope on the left was taken at long range
Antelope Hunting Season Dates & Rates
- Rifle - 2nd Sunday of October - 2nd Sunday of November
- 5 Day Antelope Hunts - $3295
- Non-Hunting Guests are $2000 if we have room. Hunters have first priority
- Please check our deer page for combo deer and antelope hunt options

What Gear To Bring
- Sleeping bag
- Personal toiletries
- Towel
- Appropriate hunting clothing
- Hunting Gear: binocs, Rifle and 40 rounds of ammo
- Camera
- License